PUBG is one of the most popular game in Asia Pacific region. Player unknown Battle ground PUBG developed by Ireland video game designer Brendan Greene. In December,2017 PUBG introduced for Windows devices.
Earlier this month tencent Games
Released PUBG Lite version for Gamers in Thailand. PUBG is the high Graphics Game and need strong hardware configuration for smooth game play. PUBG Lite developed for those who are using lower configuration PC.

On a Facebook post pubg Lite announced it is expanding their availability for Gamers of 4 more country. Indonesia Malaysia Philippines and Singapore are on the list. Gamers of these region can install PUBG Lite version from 14th Feb,2019. Pre beta version also available from 13th of February.
PUBG Lite compatible in low end specs PCs with 4GB of RAM and intel core i3 processor and Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 10 as well.
Despite low end specification IIT offers pretty much same experience as original version of PUBG.including Erangel island in the black sea with Nuclear power plant, submerged city, swamp, mountain areas etc.

There are no official announcement for India right now but as per progress of south east asia region Indian PUBG lovers maY got the good news soon. 
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